Pathaan was dubbed as Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film. It shattered all the records and earned over 700 crores worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing Indian film. The film took Bollywood by storm and in a way became its saviour. Since then, SRK’s fans have been eagerly waiting for his next action movie, Jawan. For months, the actor teased his fans with a prevue and posters along with foot-tapping songs which only added to everyone’s excitement. Finally, the day has arrived. The film has hit the theaters today and fans are already hailing it as a blockbuster hit!
Jawan is directed by popular Tamil filmmaker Atlee Kumar and it is also his Bollywood directorial debut. It stars SRK in a pivotal role along with Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, and Deepika Padukone are part of the film too. The film’s first reaction is out and you’ve got to check them out before you book your tickets.
Blockbuster Film!
Movie Of The Year
Leaves A Lasting Impact
Best Entry Ever
Mega Blockbuster Film
Whistle Worthy
Movie Of The Century
A Tsunami
Wow, the movie sure looks like a fab watch and we can’t wait to book our tickets ASAP!
Featured Image: X(Twitter)
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