
#SexyEyes: 6 AWESOME Ways To Get Longer Looking Lashes!

Priyanka GhuraPriyanka Ghura  |  May 5, 2016

Thicker, longer lashes are one beauty trait that women around the world would kill for. Why else is mascara such a must for all of us? But there are so many other ways to get va va voom lashes besides just swiping on the mascara, and we don’t mean messy false lashes. We give you a few secret tips for the long, curled eyelashes you’ve always wanted. Go on, bat your lashes!

1. Use Your Eyelash Curler RIGHT

It’s the ultimate tool for dreamy lashes, so make sure you’re using it correctly. First, you should curl the base of your lashes, then the middle and then the tip for a perfect curl. Make sure to hold down the clamp each time for a few seconds. Then, brush through your lashes with a couple coats of mascara in a zigzag motion to avoid clumping. Never apply your mascara before curling, as that could lead to your lashes accidentally being pulled out. You don’t even have to use mascara always. Just curl your lashes to make them look longer and open up your eyes and step out the door for a subtle, daytime look. Tips for long eyelashes - curler

2. Start Tightlining

The term tightlining should be added to your beauty dictionary as well as your everyday makeup routine. It means to apply eyeliner along your upper waterline to give the illusion of a thick, full lash-line. Since you apply it to your waterline and not just on top of your lids, make sure your eyeliner is pencil and not liquid, and it should match the colour of your mascara. Also, while applying liner on your lids, it’s important to draw it (or smudge it) as close to your lash line as possible to fill in any gaps between lashes.

3. The Power Of Baby Powder

We’re always giving you more and more reason to have a bottle of baby powder and this simple trick is no different. Just swipe on a thin coat of mascara, then dust some baby powder onto your palm and then dip a Q-tip in it. Gently, run the Q-tip over your lashes, making sure all your lashes are covered in a coat of the white powder. They may look white and a little scary now, but don’t worry! Now, apply another coat of mascara and notice how much longer and fuller your lashes look.

Also Read 12 Best Mascara For Brides

4. Don’t Commit To Just One Mascara

It’s okay to favour multiple mascaras and not just one. Since some promise to lengthen your lashes and others promise dramatic volume, it’s perfectly okay to use more than one mascara at once for super long eyelashes if you haven’t found the perfect one just yet. Some of our favourites are Maybelline Colossal Volume Express Mascara, Lakme Eyeconic Mascara and Rimmel London Scandal Mascara.

5. Natural Ways For “Movie Star” Lashes

Castor Oil

It’s one of the best things to try at home, as it is amazing at kickstarting hair growth. Apply it with a brush onto your lashes daily for thicker and stronger lashes, without having to apply loads of mascara. It’s also great to use on your brows to fill in any gaps and to help them grow thicker and faster.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel can be used for so many things, including giving you look-at-me lashes. Apply a coat on your lashes at night with a clean mascara wand. The nutrients in aloe vera will help your lashes grow super thick.

Green Tea

The caffeine and healthy nutrients in green tea can also surprisingly give you long, dramatic lashes. Dip cotton in green tea and swipe it onto your lashes to stimulate growth.

6. It’s All About The Diet

Yup, what you eat affects your lashes as well, just like it affects your skin and hair. It’s important to load up on vitamins and minerals to promote longer and stronger lashes. You may even want to consider taking biotin and multivitamin supplements – now, that’s a much-needed tip for long eyelashes that are all natural. Images: Shutterstock MUST-READ: #NotJustKajal: How To Make Your Eyes Look Big and Beautiful! MUST-READ: #SmokyEyes: How To Get It Right Every Single Time!

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