For the longest time, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s son Taimur Ali Khan has been ruling my Instagram feed with his cuteness. But it appears that Tim Tim has the sweetest competition now and it is none other than his cousin Raha Kapoor. But he has no complains!
Recently, I stumbled upon a video of Raha visiting Taimur and I have been watching it on loop. Alia Bhatt took her little princess to meet her cousins at Kareena’s place. Scroll down for the video:
You can’t miss out on how Alia shielded her daughter’s face from the paps. After all, the Highway actress has been quite protective about her little one.
Another video of Taimur bidding goodbye to Raha caught my attention. It appears that Tim Tim didn’t want his play date with his cousin to end so soon. Take a look at how cutely Taimur said ‘bye’ to Raha:
This is the cutest thing on the internet right now!
According to the grapevine, Taimur had the best time with his little sister. Is it too much to wish for if I manifest a picture of Raha and Taimur together?
When Alia & Ranbir Asked Paps To Not Click Raha’s Pictures
Alia and Ranbir Kapoor have been protective for their daughter right from the very beginning. As per reports, the two stars had a meeting with paps and they asked them to refrain from clicking her pictures.
In an interview, Alia spoke about this decision and said, “Ranbir and I are extremely clear about how long we do not want to bring Raha to the public eye. We live every day as it comes. We also have the right to live like ordinary people in the eyes of our fans, and that doesn’t mean that no one will see her. I just don’t want it to be now. People respect our decision.”
I totally understand and respect Alia’s decision of hiding Raha’s face. Meanwhile, I am more than happy to catch a few precious moments of the little one with her big brother Taimur!
Feature Image: Instagram
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