We love our boyfriends. They make us feel special all the time. When we are on our periods, we are mostly cranky and emotional and annoyed and what not… We say stuff that we don’t really mean and you know, no matter how rude we are, our boyfriends always tend to handle the situation pretty well. So here, we found some girls on Whisper sharing the sweetest things their boyfriends have done for them when they were on their periods.
1. Cuddling always helps!
2. Wow! This is just perfect
3. Haha! At least he tried…which is really sweet.
4. Best boyfriend EVER!
5. Aww! Just so caring. *Hearts*
6. Do guys like these really exist? *wonders*
7. He is indeed an amazing man…
You can find the thread here.
Aww! We really wish our boyfriends would do all this for us too.
Images: Whisper