Love is a complicated thing. But you know what’s even more complicated? Long-distance relationships! When your partner is miles away, it often feels like a major part of your life is missing. An impromptu coffee date plan or a truckload of kisses from your bae when you are on your periods, you miss small things like these. LDR requires a good amount of sacrifice and commitment, and TBH it is not everyone’s cup of tea. While for some people it’s a big NO-NO, others are perfectly guided by the stars to master long-distance relationships. That said, let’s look at the zodiac signs who have the potential to make LDR work:

These earth sign people don’t go into a relationship easily. So when they’re in one, they’re highly committed. They remain loyal even when you’re not physically present. Just the right amount of assurance and communication is all you need to make it work with Taurus.
Virgos have an upper hand in communication and adjustments, which makes them a natural when it comes to long-distance relationships. They know their needs and wants, and won’t shy away from conveying them to their partner. This makes everything so much easier!
The free-spirited Sagis see distance as a way to ease into a relationship without feeling suffocated. They prefer to know a person before getting invested in the initial stage. And LDR serves as the perfect way to take things slow. Plus, their wanderlust makes them grab every chance they get to see their partner.
These GOATs are the most loyal ones in the entire zodiac wheel. They’re ready to jump off a plane if that’s what it takes to make their relationships work (even the long-distance ones). Just give them a perfect blend of attention and love, and they’re not going anywhere.
The self-fulfilled Aquarius are perfectly capable of maintaining a long-distance relationship if they see a future with you. From sending frequent snaps to scheduling regular phone calls, they will never make you feel their absence.
That’s it for today folks! What are your thoughts on long-distance relationships?
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