
What Is This Internal Shower Drink The Internet Is Obsessed With?

Urvi Shah  |  Jul 11, 2022
What Is This Internal Shower Drink The Internet Is Obsessed With?

Most of us are almost always on the prowl for health-related trends on the internet — we’re always subtracting something from our diet plans and adding a little bit of something else to bolster our immunity, and address our individual concerns. It’s no surprise that our algorithm has spotlighted yet another one of these trends recently.

Just the other day, Celebrity Nutritionist Daryl Gioffre took to Instagram to introduce his followers to a drink that enhances gut health, and aids digestion. The recipe has gained a whopping 72.4 million views, and many have attested to its benefits online. Here’s what you need to know about the drink — aptly addressed as the ‘Internal Shower Drink’ by everyone on the internet.

This Drink Literally Gives Your Body An Internal Shower

What Is It Composed Of?

Just four things — one glass of water, two tablespoons of chia seeds, and a pinch of lemon and Himalayan salt. All you have to do is add the seeds to the water, and let the mixture sit for about five minutes. This enables the seeds to soften, and take on their gel-like consistency. Go on to squeeze a little bit of lemon into the glass along with a pinch of Himalayan/sea-salt, and once you’ve mixed it all together, that’s it — drink up.

How Does This Drink Benefit Us?

Dr Daryl sums it up for us in a caption that reads, “Did you know that the word ‘Chia’ actually means STRENGTH in the Mayan language. In fact, Aztec warriors would drink chia in water before going into battle because this healing tonic would strengthen their energy and stamina. But we now know that the benefits of chia go well beyond energy, as they actually STRENGTHEN your GUT because of their high levels of fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Fibre is CRITICAL for a healthy gut microbiome, yet only 5% of us are getting the recommended 25-35 grams of daily fibre needed (in fact, I believe this number should be higher at 50 grams daily).

There’s a reason WHY I chose 2 tablespoons of chia seeds for my chia shot – because it packs 10 grams of fibre, which is nearly 40% of your daily intake, and the SAME amount of omega-3 fatty acids you’ll find in a 4-ounce piece of salmon. This lowers inflammation in your gut, and as the chia soaks up to 27x its weight in water, (why you let it sit for 5 minutes before you drink it), they lubricate and hydrate the mucous membranes, giving you that INTERNAL SHOWER effect, hence the name! This shot has helped MILLIONS of people throughout the works struggling with constipation and other gut issues, and whether you have gut problems or not, give it a go as it will help you too.”

As for the rest of the ingredients — lemons are high in minerals that support the health of your gut by reducing acidity and inflammation, and salt adds to that effect as well. And there you have it — a shot of goodness for your body using just three readily-available ingredients from the kitchen.

Things To Keep In Mind

According to Dr Daryl, you might experience a change in your bowel movements after consuming the shot; but this tends to be gentle. Don’t expect anything too dramatic — this drink cannot do the job of a laxative. It must be taken on an empty stomach — thirty minutes before a meal, or ninety minutes following a meal. If you feel bloated, or experience pain, diarrhoea or discomfort after, you might want to sit this one out, or add smaller amounts of chia to the drink. 1.5 tablespoons is more than enough for your daily intake. Or you can switch to drinking lemon water before every meal. Remember that consuming too much fibre isn’t ideal either.

Are you trying this recipe any time soon?

Featured Image: Instagram

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