
Not Living With In-Laws? 11 Tips For The First Year Of Marriage

Gayatri Sahay  |  Jul 28, 2016
Not Living With In-Laws? 11 Tips For The First Year Of Marriage

They say that if you can survive the first year of marriage together; your relationship will survive anything! So, with that in mind, here are a few helpful tips to get you through that first year of marital bliss (especially if you’re living apart from the in-laws!!)

1. Copy down at least 10 of your mom and 5 of his mom’s recipes

Yes, we know the Internet exists – but there really is nothing to keep you happy like ghar ka khaana!

2. Pick your battles

You remember that song, “It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves us along…” – well, don’t ignore that lyric!

3. Divide up the household chores

It may take you a while until you find good household help. Avoid the added frustration of fighting over whose turn it is to do what and make a chart.

Also read: 10 Adorable Ways He Supports You In The First Year Of Marriage!

4. Learn when to give one another space and when to be there for them

He may need 20 minutes to cool off when he gets back from work, and you may do too!

5. If you’re living in the same city as his parents, use your initiative and make a trip every so often

Trust us, it’ll save you some long phone calls, and also make your in-laws feel like you’re actively trying to make them a part of your life.

6. Keep an open communication channel

Just because you two are living in the same home does not mean you can read each other’s minds. With it being just you two in the house you need to make sure you’re on the same page (or at least reading the same book)!

7. Try and save space when you’re packing your things to move in

It may be a smaller place than what you were used to, so pack accordingly! Leave behind the inessentials – fetch them when you’ve organized your new home and have settled in.

8. Decorate the place in a way that reflects both of your personalities!

If he doesn’t care much, then go wild – but try not to make every wall pink or purple or only have pictures of your friends/ family. Remember that this is your shared home.

9. Don’t forget about date night with the hubby

Just because you two are a “grown-up married couple now” doesn’t mean the romance needs to go away. Make sure you guys keep a night aside to venture out together and remember why you fell in love!

Also read: 9 Fights All Newlyweds Have In The First Year – So Relax!

10. Keep tempers at bay!

As difficult as it can be, especially in close living quarters, try and keep fights to a minimum. There’s no one to act as a buffer between you guys, so you both need to be adults about it!

11. Have a chat about basic house rules

Are friends allowed over whenever? Is there something that you need to have in the house? It’s better to talk about it than to find out later!

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

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