
Everything You Need To Know About Flirting That'll Make You *Irresistible*!

Anandita MalhotraAnandita Malhotra  |  Aug 23, 2017
Everything You Need To Know About Flirting That'll Make You *Irresistible*!

Flirting with a guy may seem like an impossible task but it’s actually a whole lot easier than it looks. With a few tips to keep in mind, you can totally bat your lashes at him and ace that wooing game. Believe it or not, there are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to flirting with a cute guy at the bar or even over a text. You can’t come off as too nonchalant that he doesn’t even know that you’re trying to get with him and it can’t even come off as too cheesy; there’s a thin line you’ve to tread and OMG, the guy is by your side.

Flirty Texts To Send

Tips To Flirt With A Boy In Person

Tips To Use Body Language To Flirt

How To Flirt With A Guy Over Texts

Flirting can be nerve-wracking and flirting over text messages can be even harder. This is because a lot of things can be lost in translation as your crush can neither hear your tone nor see your facial expressions. But there are also a whole lot of advantages of flirting over messages as it can be easier than actually going up to a person and taking the risk of rejection head-on. It’s also a whole lot better because you can take your own sweet time to reply and come up with the perfect message. Ask your girls for advice or check some of these flirtatious text messages we have for you and trust us, your crush will be falling head over heels in love with you.

You’ve to come off as a strong and confident woman and yet not be overbearing. Ideally, it’ll make them know that you’re running on their mind and also help you set up a date. What should a flirty text have? Well, don’t overthink, keep it short and sweet, funny but not cheesy. Trust us this just the beginning, midnight strolls are coming your way.

Flirty Texts To Send

Image Source: Giphy

Ask him a flirty question

Be bold and own your feelings for him but punnily

Be upfront about how much you like him

Image Source: Giphy

Flirty texts to send the next morning

Talk about the next time you’re going to be together

Just go all out, make the plan yourself

Flirt with emojis, nope not just the eggplant and peach

Image Source: Giphy

Take flirting up a notch, yes, we’re talking PG 13 stuff

Also Read About how to tell if a guy is flirting or just being friendly

When you’re seriously in doubt, go with what you’re thinking of.

How To Flirt With A Boy In Person

Image Source: Giphy

Flirting over texts and bringing on your sassiest A-game is easy peasy at times but saying the same thing can scare the living daylights out of you. Even the most confident people can turn into a stammering ball of mush when made to confront their crush. So if you’re struggling to flirt, we’ve got the sweetest tips for you so that you approach your beloved future bae with an air of owning it.

Tips That’ll Make You Totlly Irresistible

Draw attention to your lips: Yes, it does sound a bit ridiculous, but drawing attention to your lips is a big plus point. A bright, poppy lipstick during the day or even some lip gloss for that extra juicy look is always a good idea. To do the trick more subtly you can even slap on some chapstick and voila, you’ll look stunning! He’ll definitely be thinking of the taste of your cherry chapstick (just like Katy Perry!)

Smile and say hi when you pass them by: You don’t understand the power in one wave coupled with a smile. We understand the flips that happen in your stomach when your boo arrives or crosses you but keep your cool and smile warmly at him, you can add a little wave and give them that tiny bit of attention that makes them understand you’re thinking of them. No need to get into a long conversation, but ignore those instincts telling you to hide away and make yourself known to him. You’re one step closer to being with him!

Image Source: Giphy

Bump and flatter the hottie: Nail that “oops I accidentally bumped into you” at a crowded party and shyly look up and say, “I become such a clutz around cute people.” The gorgeous boy will know that you’re interested and that you find him cute. You’ve already broken the ice this way then the conversation that’ll follow will be easier.

Play that hot and cold game: Now we know that it may sound counterintuitive to ignore your crush and then pay attention to him, but trust us it works. Suppose you run into your crush somewhere, start talking to his friends first and be warm and friendly. He’ll get a tiny pang of jealousy in him and then say hi to him and chit-chat nicely, he’ll feel all better. This may also make him more aware of his feelings for you.

Let your confident side come out and play: It may seem scary when someone catches you staring at them, but you can use it to your advantage. Next time you’re checking out your crush and he catches you looking over on his side, don’t look away embarrassed, own it! Smile back at him with affection and maybe even add a wink. This will show him that you’re a confident woman and know exactly what you want.

Notice things about him: Yep, we’re telling you to check him out from top to bottom. If you really notice things about him like a cool graphic tee he’s wearing or the faint dimple on his face, your crush will know that you actually care about getting to know him on a more personal level. If he’s carrying a special notebook or actually talks about something he’s passionate about, it’s easier to start a conversation about it.

Image Source: Giphy

Start it off with something funny and cute: Pick up lines may seem very lame but trust us they work. If not to actually ‘pick-up’ the guy they can work as they ideal ice breaker. You can both laugh at the cheesy line and that in itself will get you two talking, and that’s what we all want right?! Some pick-up lines that you can start with “Hey my laces must have been open, cause I fell for you!” or “Are you a keyboard cause you’re definitely my type!”

How To Use Body Language To Flirt

1. Eye contact FTW

Make eye contact and hold the gaze for a lil longer than usual. Meeting someone’s gaze is a sign of confidence and it works all the time in letting the other person know that you’re interested.

2. Smell awesome

Make it absolutely irresistible for him. That’s half your job done.

3. Go touchy feely

Compliment him on his biceps or keep your hand gently on his shoulders in a suggestive but not encroaching manner.

Image Source: Giphy

4. Play with your hair

Twirl that one strand that will make him go weak in his knees.

5. Compliment him

Don’t go overboard with this one, but feel free to compliment him on the things that you like about him.

6. Lean in

At a crowded place, use the surrounding noise as an excuse to get closer and say something sweet or naughty. Make your presence felt.

Image Source: Giphy

7. Surprise hug

If you are happy about something when he is around, give him a bear hug (don’t catch him off-guard though). Let it linger a bit longer.

8. Smile at him

A smile is at once welcoming and also a potent weapon in your flirting arsenal. When you make eye contact with someone, make sure to follow it up with a smile. Nothing beats a sexy, suggestive smile. 

9. Tease him

Once you have been introduced to him, drop him an ‘accidental’ text if required to start a conversation.

Image Source: Giphy

10. Watch out for his response

If he reciprocates your moves, that’s surely a head start for something more tangible!

So now that you’ve got all the ways you can make him your man, we’re sure you guys will live happily ever after together. After all, you’re mint to be! (Okay we’re stopping with the puns.)

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This story was updated in March 2019.

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