Sonam Kapoor has not only been busy churning out one blockbuster after another, she also finds a way to consistently up her fashion game. It has been 10 years since her debut film, and she still manages to keep the top fashion editors on their toes. So who better to give us style tips than the it-girl herself? In an exclusive interview with POPxo, she reveals all her style secrets. Here’s a lowdown on all things fashion!
1. That one trick to slay an Indian outfit ?
“You have to be very self-aware, especially when you’re wearing a dupatta and a saree. It makes you more graceful. Basically you have to hold yourself up through your core. I know that sounds weird, but it is what it is! The more graceful you are in Indian clothes – the better.”
2. Which of the three do you prefer – a Saree, an Anarkali or a Kurti?
“Saree. I look better in a saree.”
3. Fashion essentials you love on a stylish Indian bride?
“I like traditional Indian brides, I don’t like the new-age stuff. I find it very weird. I really really like traditional colours, traditional outfits, traditional jewellery. I especially don’t like the weird Indian gowns that they’re wearing these days.”
4. Your favourite shopping destination in the world?
“New York.”
5. You recently went on a shopping spree to Dubai – any reason?
“You get everything in Dubai! It really was an incredible shopping experience.”
6. Stores you never skip out?
“The malls in Dubai! Also, I love Chloe.”
7. The one Indian fashion designer you consistently trust?
“Anamika Khanna – I love her designs and she’s one of my closest friends!”
8. Young Indian designers we should keep a lookout for?
“Masaba, Pero, Raw Mango, Nimish – they’re all so good!”
9. Style tips you’d like to give the POPxo girl who loves wearing ethnic clothes?
“Like I said earlier, you should stick to traditional clothes. A lot of people are trying a lot of different things but I think it’s better to stick to classics. That’s why I prefer Raw Mango and Anamika Khanna!”
*This is a sponsored post for Mirchi Movies India Ltd.
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