
5 Stages Of Falling In Love That Were Explored Best With These 5 Taylor Swift Songs

Vasudha Sabharwal  |  Nov 30, 2023
5 Stages Of Falling In Love That Were Explored Best With These 5 Taylor Swift Songs

Congratulations, you’re falling in love. Your heart is beating fast, your mind is lost, you’re smiling for no reason, there are butterflies in your stomach, you’re vulnerable, you’re happy, and you’re in love. Lucky are those who’ve experienced something as deep as the leap of love. It’s a rabbit hole of emotions. Love is that one inexplicable feeling that’s understood best when felt. Over the ages, many artists have tried elaborating on love. In the modern era, it is Taylor Swift who does it the most beautifully, with utmost sensitivity.


Love in Taylor Swift’s words is colourful. The passion is burning red, the separation is blue, the scars are maroon, the string of attachment is golden, the tainted memories are grey, the innocence is pink, and the all-encompassing glow is lavender. In her universe, love is hued like a ‘rainbow with all of the colours‘.

Pop Crush

In Swift’s discography, love (and its many facets) becomes the recurring theme explored. After all, aren’t we all chasing this one primary emotion? To love and to be loved. These 5 of her songs perfectly resonate with each stage of falling in love:

Lavender Haze Taylor Swift YouTube

1. Attraction

You’re attracted to them. Somebody has just swept you out of your feet. You wanna know more about them. You’re curious. Almost enchanted!

2. Exploration

This is when the exploration actually begins. You talk to them all the time. You’re understanding their history, laughing at their jokes, sharing your meals, exchanging random photographs, learning their likes and dislikes, observing their habits, and you adore all of them. You wonder if there’s something more to it. Your heart always beats faster whenever you’re around them, and you think they know this.

3. Realisation

Uh oh, you’re in love. Passionate, whole-hearted, unabashed love. You’re taking it all in. You’re wondering how you’d get there. Life is roses. You’re lost in the labyrinth of your mind.

4. Turbulence

But the road to life and love is never smooth or linear. There are fights, disagreements, frustration, conflicts, and confusion. When you question whether this person is even worth it. Whether your relationship with them is worth it. Until you realise it is, and that you two have survived the great war.

5. Commitment

It’s ever and evermore. This love is meant to be. It’s you and your beloved against the world. You two together feel just right. And there are disagreements, there are conflicts, but none that you two can’t work on. None that’s worth more than what you two share. They’re your lover!

As they say, what’s life without love! And trust Swift’s words to put our most complex feelings into perspective. But as intense as falling in love is, it is absolutely as heartbreaking to lose your lover, to grieve a dead relationship. And Miss Americana has poured some words for that as well.

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