After the demise of Bollywood’s veteran actress Sridevi, daughter Janhvi Kapoor’s birthday has come at a sombre moment. However, it’s always a heartwarming thing to see friends, family, and loved ones come together to wish you the best, especially at a time of grief and immense sadness.
On the occasion of Janhvi’s 21st birthday today, Sonam Kapoor posted a beautiful wish on her Instagram account, and it’s incredibly soul-stirring.
Manish Malhotra also posted an adorable picture of himself with Sridevi and Janhvi, and had the most heartening birthday message for the birthday girl.
As the news of Sridevi’s death hit the world, prayers poured in from friends, and peers from the industry, offering condolences to Boney Kapoor and daughters Khushi and Janhvi Kapoor, wishing them strength during this difficult time.
Janhvi Kapoor also took to Instagram, on the occassion of her birthday, to pen down a heartfelt message to everyone who has been kind and compassionate towards the Kapoor family during the ordeal they went through.
“Thank you for the love and support everyone has shown us in the past couple of days. It’s given us hope and strength and we can’t thank you all enough”, she wrote.
Here’s wishing Janhvi Kapoor a birthday full of love, and good wishes! While we cannot even begin to imagine what she must be going through, we wish her strength and courage to live her life just as her mother would have wanted her to – to the fullest!
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