When it comes to fashion, no one can mess with the Kapoor sisters. While Sonam Kapoor always has her fashion game on point, most of the credit goes to her fashion-enthusiast sister, Rhea Kapoor. Apart from being a phenomenal director, Rhea is an even better stylist. She has been styling Sonam ever since the start of her career and she has hardly ever gone wrong. Now, since Sonam has perpetually shifted to London post-marriage, the two sisters are in a long-distance relationship. But even that hasn’t stopped them from sharing fashion!
Recently, Sonam Kapoor attended a dance party in Notting Hill, London and guess what? She actually borrowed a dress from Rhea for the occasion! The OOTD was not only owned by Rhea but also styled by her. The long charmeuse ruffle dress was from the US-based fashion brand, Lanvin. The angelic white beauty featured a deep V-neckline and a stunning cape detail at the back. While the dress may appear extremely minimal, it comes with a whopping price tag of Rs.3.5 lakhs!
Rhea had worn this dress six months ago in Mumbai for an event. While she accessorised the ensemble with nude pumps and statement earrings, Sonam opted for a different styling route. As opposed to Rhea’s long earrings, Sonam chose a dainty pair of pearl drops that were hardly even visible. She completed the look with the most basic black sandals called the “Constance Sandals” from The Row. Even these simple sandals are worth Rs.76,000!
Sonam Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor have proven that distance can separate two sisters, but fashion keeps them together! We love how Rhea is not only styling her sister’s looks but even sending her own clothes to London. #SisterGoals for real, right?
Feature Image: Instagram
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