Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani will hit the big screen on July 28th. The film has already been generating a lot of buzz though. Fans are super thrilled to see Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt come together and again create magic after Gully Boy. Moreover, the film marks 25 years of Karan Johar as a filmmaker which is only adding to the excitement. Rumour has it that this would also mark Aryan Khan’s big debut. Basically, everyone has big expectations from the film. But while all of us are eagerly waiting for the film’s release, someone on the internet has allegedly leaked the plot already. Yeah, that’s true!
A Reddit thread is doing rounds on the internet where a user has predicted the film’s storyline. The Reddit user has written about how he thinks Rocky Randhawa (Ranveer Singh) is a brat who lives in Delhi and has inherited his family business. Whereas, Rani Chatterji (Alia Bhatt) is a mature ethical girl who is an auditor by profession. He further adds that they both meet while Rani raids Rocky’s house after he’s accused of laundering money.
Excerpts from this make-believe plot read, “A rich bratty rocky randhawa (Ranveer Singh) stays with his joint family in a grand mansion possibly in Delhi and handles the family business which he inherited , however dosent really focus on work and only parties and is a big time flirt and play boy , one day the family gets a notice from government for money laundering , However rocky who practically owns the firm has no idea about it and claims that no money laundering has been done , the entire family is pissed at rocky as their reputation would now be ruined because of his carelessness , the notice from government also states that an auditor would soon visit the family to check their financial statements…”
Here, read the full plot:
People are now commenting on how the plot is plausible and are agreeing that it sounds like a KJO movie. One user has written, “Does sound plausible i would say it could be more or less same.” Another says, “Ok ykw I’m going to get downvoted but I like this. This is a total K3G plot and I didn’t expect anything less from Karan, and I like movies like this. Movies filled with family, romance and laughter. It might be a generic plot but hopefully the movie will pull it off as usual.”
Take a look at some of the comments:
TBH, this predicted plot sounds quite interesting. That said, we are sure that the actual plot is going to be different from what we have just read. It did get me even more excited about the film though!
Featured Image: Instagram
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