Sex is a fuel that runs a healthy relationship. And like everything else, it requires work and effort, to make it more rewarding and enjoyable. But hang on, that doesn’t mean you have to rack your brains to perfect the art of lovemaking. When it comes to pure soulful sex, it all boils down to the simple things your husband wants during sex, but rarely ever asks… So the next time he makes love to you, make sure you load him on all this!
1. A fine, tempting visual!
What can we say? Men are visual beings. But it doesn’t really take much to get them excited and fill their head up with ideas. All you’ve got to do is present yourself in sexy, lacy lingerie and your husband’s night will be made.
Treat him to this glow in the night babydoll dress (Rs 799)
2. Good ol’ orgasm
It’s the sweet fruit of all his efforts and we are sure he can never get enough of it! There are many routes to the ultimate orgasm and we urge you try each one. What better way to spend a lifetime together, right? *winks*
3. A new move to keep him wanting for more…
Variety is the spice of sex life too. Be creative by surprising him with a new move every now and then. Do what you haven’t before and with practise, you’ll become a pro at the art of seduction. We are sure he’ll always look forward to a romantic night with you everyday!
How about a little role-play? You could instantly heat up things in this naughty nurse outfit (Rs 799)
4. A little ego boost, please!
All men love receiving compliments, just like all women do too. But they’ll rarely ever ask for it. They’d just expect you to appreciate their efforts or their performance on your own. It’s their dose of ego boost; it’s what drives them on – in bed and outside of it. So go on and shout his name during a hot sex sesh or tell him how he turns you on like crazy. He will love you the more for it, we promise.
5. The right kind of noise
Sex is always more fun when the moans and the screams accompany the act. A silent affair would give your husband no clue even if you’re even into the act or not. So make sure you call out his name, moan, scream, laugh, talk – all with a sexy number playing in the background – and it’ll get him excited like never before.
Play his favourite music and set the mood for the night with this compact speaker (Rs 1489)
6. Equal (or more!) participation from your end
Your husband would hate it if your sex life got mundane where he just um, got off, you know? Get involved and be enthusiastic. And on days, when you’re not in the mood, let him know, but never do it out of a sense of duty or favour. There’s no fun in that!
7. Don’t forget foreplay…
Sometimes he gets you in the mood, but sometimes he desires to be seduced into making love to you, too. Foreplay is what gets them juices flowing and is what all amazing sex lives are made of. So indulge in it and you’ll never have to worry about the spark leaving your relationship.
How about getting naughty with this racy pair of blindfold and cufflinks!(Rs 375)
8. He wants the freedom to do as he pleases, with you!
Your consent is essential of course, but don’t ever let him feel like he has to take your permission before coming close to you. He shouldn’t have to hesitate before getting intimate with you. Make him feel comfortable and give him the freedom to do as he pleases.
9. Fun and more fun – let your bedroom be his fantasy land
Make all his wild fantasies come alive and have fun while you’re at it. Your bedroom should be your escape, your fantasy land, your happy place. You should both look forward to it after a tiring day and enjoy each others’ companionship. Let it not be the battleground for your arguments, but the haven to make love.
GIFs: Giphy