Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s relationship was Bollywood’s worst-kept secret. While the two never made it official, their not-so-subtle flirting during Shershaah promotions left little to our collective imagination. The couple allegedly got close on the Shershaah sets four years ago, and now that the shaadi is finally around the corner my excitement levels are sky high.
Whether it’s an Instagram live sesh or their media interviews, they have said the cutest things about each other. Scroll down to see adorable Sidharth and Kiara moments that live in my head rent-free.
When Sidharth Teased Kiara On The ‘Gram
On the 75th Independence Day, Kiara posted a video of herself from Shershaah but she cropped Sidharth from the clip. Like any boyfriend, Sid also teased her about it.
Is it just me or are these two giving major Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds vibe here?
When Kiara Blushed During An Award Show & We Got The Hint!
Shershaah won the trophy for the best film and the whole cast went on stage to receive it. Unfortunately, Sidharth wasn’t present there. During the vote of thanks, Karan Johar quizzed Kiara if she was missing someone. Kiara’s blushing face revealed everything about her relationship with Sidharth!
When Kiara Revealed Who Is Her Fave Human
IMO, the cutest thing Kiara has ever said about Sidharth was when she called him her “favourite.” While promoting her film JugJugg Jeeyo, the actress was asked to pick her favourite co-star. “Sidharth,” Kiara had said instantly. Not just that, Kiara also called him, “very handsome.”
To be fair, if I was dating Sidharth, I would have done the same. #MajorRelate
When Sidharth Almost Confessed That He Loves Spending Time With Kiara
During an Instagram live session with Kiara, Sidharth spoke about his car journey while they were leaving for Shershaah’s shoot. The actor revealed that he didn’t mind the long journey as Kiara was with him. Hearing this, Kiara blushed and said, “Arre arre arre none of these feelings came out there. You were doing your own thing in the car. I was doing my own thing.” To which Sidharth replied, “I was feeling it from inside please.”
When Sidharth Revealed The One Thing He Hates About Kiara
During his promotional interview for Mission Majnu, Sid was asked what he doesn’t like about his lady love. He answered, “All her characters, that she is crying in every film. Rona hamesha, aankho mein aansu (always crying, has tears in her eyes).”
I am sure Sidharth will make sure that Kiara never has any reason to cry again. Meanwhile, I am wondering what a girl needs to do to get a man like Sid?
Well, IDK about you all but I am praying for a relationship like #SidKiara. Could these two be any cuter?
Feature Image: Instagram
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