In the age of Student Of The Year, the teen Bollywood romance film of millennials, Ishq Vishk is all set to make a comeback. The producer of the original, Ramesh Taurani, has confirmed that they are looking at a similar storyline but the actors have not been confirmed yet. “Yes, we are making a sequel to Ishq Vishk. The story is in the scripting stage and could be about a teenage romance. Hopefully, in the next two-three months, we will lock the script and start looking for the director and cast,” Ramesh shared with a leading newspaper.
In 2003, this movie saw the debut of Shahid Kapoor and Amrita Rao in roles that gave them their big break in the industry. Shahid Kapoor was discovered in the music video of Aankhon Mein by Aryans and Amrita Rao in a coffee commercial. “He was very young then, so I asked him to wait for two-three more years before I could launch him. When Ken Ghosh (director) narrated the final story of Ishq Vishk to me, I told him that I had a hero who fits the part and introduced him to Shahid,” the producer recalls.
Another actress that this movie turned into a household name was Shenaz Treasurywala, who went on to become and a VJ and now stars in various Hollywood movies and TV shows.
Ishq Vishk tapped into a theme that many hit films have before, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander and now Student Of The Year, a high school/college love triangle that ends with a lot of drama, one heartbreak and a happy ending. An Archie, Betty and Veronica romance at its best.
Although they might not be up to play college students again, we are curious to find out who does. Kartik Aaryan, Ananya Pandey and Sara Ali Khan? Or will Ishaan Khattar step into his brother’s shoes? Will we spot a Khushi Kapoor playing the role of Shenaz?
We hope to find out who is set to play this iconic trio soon.
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