While the Gen Z Bolly kids love using Instagram, veteran stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Amitabh Bachchan prefer Twitter. SRK is very active on the microblogging site and frequently hosts Q&A sessions. Mr Bachchan, on the other hand, ensures he tweets on a frequent basis and even numbers them to keep track. But some chaos just entered the chat!
In a surprising turn of events, celebs including SRK, Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Virat Kohli, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgan, and Alia Bhatt, have lost their blue tick on Twitter. Scroll down to find out why:
A blue tick on Twitter is to verify an account and to differentiate between a real and a fake one. It is especially important to celebrities, whose fans often make a million fake accounts.
However, Elon Musk, who now owns Twitter, has monetised the platform by making celebrities pay for the blue tick. The funniest part here is that while the actual celebs have lost their verification, all fan clubs still have them.
How Much Does Twitter Subscription Cost?
Celebrities must pay for the Twitter Blue subscription in order to regain their blue tick. The cost of Twitter Blue varies across platforms. For IOS and Android smartphones, the price is Rs 900 per month. On the web, it costs Rs 6800 per year. While this isn’t a large sum for celebrities, it appears that none of them is eager to pay and deem it all needless.
American actor Ben Stiller tweeted after losing his blue tick, “No blue check, still feel like me.” However, another user who still has his blue tick wrote, “Looks like the Blue Tick Fairy went on a rampage last night, taking away verified badges like they were free candy! But don’t worry, I still have mine. Guess that means I’m more verified than #SRK & #Kohli now, right?”
When you’re a superstar like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Amitabh Bachchan, the absence of a blue tick won’t affect your credibility, right? Perhaps this is why these celebs aren’t paying attention to it or making any efforts to get a subscription.
That said, I feel that this change can lead to chaotic situations, with scammers pretending to be credible people being one of them. Here’s hoping, Elon Musk manages to keep it under control!
Feature Image: Instagram
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