Nita Ambani’s dream project Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre had the most iconic opening event. From Bollywood to Hollywood everyone was in attendance, but there was one man who clearly stole the show—Shah Rukh Khan. During the three days of the NMACC launch, SRK ruled! But what caught my attention was his wholesome dancing video with his wife Gauri Khan.
This time it was on AP Dhillion’s music that got them grooving! Honestly, watching them dancing together after three decades of marriage has turned me into a pile of mush. Scroll down for the video:
That’s not all! SRK also delivered a special performance on the opening night and blessed my Insta feed. Shah Rukh set the stage on fire with his electrifying dance to the hit track Jhoome Jo Pathaan. The best part of his performance was watching Gauri cheering him during the same. Check out the video:
Needless to say Gauri and Shah Rukh had the best time NMACC opening!
Feature Image: Instagram
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