
How To Have A Happy Marriage: 7 People Reveal Their Secrets!

Shivani Shrivastava  |  Oct 21, 2016
How To Have A Happy Marriage: 7 People Reveal Their Secrets!

Marriage isn’t a cake walk. It requires a hell lot of love, understanding and energy to make a marriage a happy one. There are no set rules which will guarantee you a happy marriage, but there are some secrets that might just help you. We found this super interesting thread on Whisper and some people are giving out their secrets to a happy marriage. You gotta read them all, now.

1. Because guys always forget to put the damn seat down.

2. Play games and resolve your issues – This is the BEST!

3. Forget and forgive and forget and forgive…

4. Well, sometimes sex is the only solution 😛

5. This is weird but also kinda sweet…

6. Haha, do guys hate spooning this much? 😛

7. Was that a question or an answer? *wondering*

You can read the full thread here.

Well, if you’re getting married anytime soon, we’re sure these were helpful.

Images: Whisper

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