
Here Are 12 One Line Horror Tales To Keep You Awake Tonight!

Nancy Varghese  |  Aug 10, 2017
Here Are 12 One Line Horror Tales To Keep You Awake Tonight!

There are some of us that love a good spine-chilling tale to snuggle up with, on eerie silent nights. Then there are those of us who would rather make new friends than have their best friends drag them to watch horror stories that will creep them enough to stay wide awake till the sun comes up. Here are 12 one line horror stories that will spook you for the night.

1. I stood still in front of my mirror, as I watched my reflection walk away.

2. “Time to bury mother’s bones,” I announced as I swallowed her last.

3. He watched his daughter cry in her sleep, but he wasn’t sure if it was his dagger on her chest or the pillow he was smothering her with.

4. She never listened to me, but turning her into porcelain sure solved that problem.

5. As she tasted a drop of wine in church, a drop of blood trickled down from the wooden cross.

6. I love being on his lap, it is my place of comfort, but it’s now getting more difficult to dig him out every time without crumbling.

7. “Falling in love is the best feeling, especially when she can’t walk away,” he said as he hung her legs up in the freezer.

8. My aunt loved spending time with her family; even if they were slowly stewing in her kitchen.

9. I kissed his lips and how cold his corpse was.

10. I poured my heart out into my diary and now the crimson soaks through its pages.

11. She felt claws tighten around her neck as she willed herself to wake, only to realise, she wasn’t asleep.

12. We’d love to have YOU for dinner.

Don’t let the evil spirits bite! *wink*

GIFs: Giphy

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