
3 Facial Yoga Exercises That Will Help Bid Adieu To Your Double Chin

Nikita Upadhya  |  May 9, 2022
3 Facial Yoga Exercises That Will Help Bid Adieu To Your Double Chin

Hop on the train to get a chiselled jawline! If you, like most of us, end up worrying about the saggy skin under the chin, read on. We often initiate face contouring to define and enhance our facial features such as the nose, forehead, cheekbones, and chin. While using a contour kit may be a quick fix to sculpt the jawline of your dreams, we have discovered a more permanent and effective solution to bid adieu to the fleshy fold under the chin.

Poor posture, weight gain, ageing skin, and genetics can often lead to a formation of wrinkles below the chin. Sometimes people with lanky demeanours can also have an extra layer of fat under their chin. Urgh! We can feel your pain. So, here’s a low down on some quick and effective yoga exercises for the face to deal with the extra fat below your chin and get selfie-ready in no time.

Best Ways To Practice Facial Yoga As A Part Of Your Daily Routine

The Tongue Stretch


Here’s an exercise you should probably never skip. Famously known as the tongue stretch, this exercise is out to get your facial muscles moving. All you need to do is to give your laptop a break (And, I say that while typing tirelessly) and sit comfortably to let your tongue do its thing.

How To Do It?

Tilt your head back to stretch your neck as far as you can. Then, stretch the tongue as far as possible without straining it too much. Hold this position for about 10 seconds before returning to the normal position. Repeat this exercise four to five times a day for best results.

Fish Face


Yes, you got the pose right! This famous fish face (pout it out) is fairly popular among all the selfie manics. While this exercise is great to sculpt your cheek muscles, it also works well to get rid of those extra layers of fat below your chin while tightening your skin.

How To Do It?

Suck in your cheeks as much as you can and hold them there for 20 – 30 seconds before releasing them. This exercise should be repeated five times a day.

Blowing Kisses


Let’s face it. This simple face yoga of blowing kisses in the air works miraculously to bless you with a well-defined jawline. This face yoga exercise improves your nasolabial (smile) lines by activating the muscles around your mouth. It also helps to strengthen your chin muscles while you kiss in the air.

How To Do It?

Pout it out as you look up (push your lips outwards with pressure). Maintain this position for 20 seconds. Let go and smile (again applying some pressure at the ends of your lips). Repeat the procedure 20 times a day.

Will you try out these face yoga exercises to permanently achieve a chiselled jawline? We are definitely going to give these a shot. Hope these exercises do wonders for you!

Featured Image: Instagram

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