
Carrie Or Samantha? This Is What Your Makeup Says About You! 

Eden NoronhaEden Noronha  |  Jun 6, 2023
Carrie Or Samantha? This Is What Your Makeup Says About You! 

I grew up watching Sex And The City and I’ve been obsessed with each of the characters’ wardrobes since forever. But after growing up and having developed a full-fledged beauty routine too, I’m revisiting the show with fresh eyes for each of the characters’ makeup looks as well.

And it begs the question: which character am I most like? I can’t really decide based on my outfits, because to be fair, I don’t have access to a bunch of designer clothes just yet. But trying to figure out which character and I share the same makeup aesthetic, well that’s right up my alley. If you’re curious about it too, read on to find out which SATC character is your makeup BFF.

If You Love Lipstick…

You are Samantha, and you’re not afraid to speak the full naked truth. Samantha is one of the most brazen characters of the SATC clan, so much so that she’s even making a comeback in the sequel of the show And Just Like That… season 2. 

Samatha’s entire persona was about having fun and living life to the fullest, with a colourful sex life and without wanting to settle for a mediocre man. To express her bold and vivacious personality, she’d always wear a bright lipstick and if that’s your makeup product of choice too and then Samantha is your soul sister!

If I wanted to do my makeup like Samantha, the M.A.C Retro Matte Lipstick – Ruby Woo would be the star of my look.

If You’re Into The Clean-Girl Aesthetic…

You are Charlotte. This lovey-dovey SATC character was committed to the clean-girl aesthetic and also committed to the idea of being committed. 

Charlotte had the OG girl-next-door look. Her hair was always sleek and perfect, and her makeup always emphasised her gorgeous luminous skin and rosy cheeks.

The Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter is a fit choice for when I want to bring out my inner Charlotte.

If You Love A Good Smokey Gaze…

You are Carrie and you give off main character energy. Carrie wants it all – A good career, an amazing sex life, a charming lover, a fairytale life, and all of the Manolo Blahniks.

Carrie’s makeup is the most experimental of the characters and you will always notice that she plays up her eyes more than any other facial feature. Carrie’s smokey eyes area anything but basic as they always tend to have some shimmer or shine to them.

That’s why I want to bring out my inner Carrie, I do it with the Simply Nam Once Upon A Night – Metallic Black Illuminating Cream & Powder Eyeshadow.

If Your Makeup Routine Is Fuss-Free…

You are Miranda and you’re a badass. Miranda is savage when she needs to be and kind when her friends need emotional support. She is also a no-nonsense kind of person who is obsessed with being independent and on top of everything in her life.

Miranda doesn’t always make a fuss about her makeup, but when she does put in the effort, she prefers to keep things classy. She’s not a red-lipstick girl, but she swears by berry lipsticks and glosses which is a smart choice as it always looks super sexy without trying too hard.

Take cues from Miranda and wear a balmy berry lippie like the POPxo Makeup Collection Mini Lip Kit – Berry Amor.

Now that you know which Sex And The City character you are, go on and slay just like these strong and independent women IRL.

Featured Images: Pinterest

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