Priyanka Chopra recently turned heads at her brother’s wedding festivity. She wore a stunning berry-hued sari by Manish Malhotra, and I can’t stop swooning over it! The statement drape was heavily embellished with intricate Swarovski crystal flowers, custom-made for the dulhe-ki-behen. Styled by Ami Patel, her gorgeous pearl necklace by Bvlgari added an extra dose of charm to her outfit.
Just like me, if you’re also dreaming of adding that same glam touch to your wardrobe, here are seven berry-colored sarees that are totally inspired by her latest look. Not only are they budget friendly but are also perfect for making a statement at any event, whether it’s a wedding, a festive celebration, or a special date night. So, get ready to embrace those rich, luscious hues and channel your inner desi diva!
1. Cotton Silk Blend Sari by Fabindia
Every woman should have at least one lightweight sari and this cotton silk blend woven saree fits the bill perfectly. The stunning berry color makes it ideal for any occasion, whether it’s a party or a simple get-together.
2. Cocktail Plum Sari by Swtantra
If you’re looking for a sari that makes a statement without being over the top, this cocktail plum saree is the perfect choice. The sequin tassels on the pallu make it a definite head-turner. Pair it with a sleek diamond jewelry set to elevate the entire look.
3. Ombre Wine Sari by koskii
Are you a bride-to-be or have a wedding to attend? This satin sari should be in your wardrobe ASAP! The colour, the flow, and the exquisite work, everything makes this drape a must have. A pair of stunning statement earring is all you need.
4. Deep Wine Sari by Manyavar Mohey
Even if you’re not usually a saree person, this deep wine saree by Manyavara might just change your mind. The lightweight fabric makes it easy to wear, while the rich deep wine colour adds to its oomph factor. Pair it with heavy traditional gold-plated jewelry for a stunning look.
5. Magenta & Gold-Toned Sari
If you’re looking for a saree that’s lightly embellished yet attention-grabbing, this magenta and gold-toned saree is the perfect choice. The understated detailing on the border and subtle accents make it truly stand out.
Featured Image: Instagram
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