The will-they, won’t-they couple of Bollywood, Sara Ali Khan and Kartik Aaryan are currently shooting for their first film together, tentatively titled Love Aaj Kal 2. This Imtiaz Ali movie, which is rumoured to be the second part of Saif Ali Khan’s 2009 blockbuster Love Aaj Kal, has got the lead couple trying out different looks. The first instalment of the movie had the characters going through different phases in life with a flashback love story, and it looks like Sara and Kartik are up to something similar.
The latest pictures from their shoot have Sara Ali Khan sporting braided green hair in a bright green crop top and blue jeans.
Kartik Aaryan, on the other hand, can be seen in three different looks. From a bold moustache to a clean-shaven schoolboy look and a casual soul patch.
Currently, the actors are shooting for the movie in Mumbai, but the shoot has been stalled due to heavy rains in the city. Actor Kartik Aaryan shared pictures of the crew waiting for the rain to end on his Instagram stories.
Source: Instagram
The movie is said to release on Valentine’s Day in 2020, almost a decade after the release of the first Love Aaj Kal.
We can’t wait to see what this couple has in store for us!
Featured Image: Manav Manglani, Viral Bhayani
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