Salman Khan might look all tough and macho, but the truth is that the actor has a hella mischievous side to him. The Bhaijaan of Bollywood loves to tease his friends and it turns out this time he picked Katrina Kaif. ICYMI, Salman’s latest release Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has a Kat connection!
Spoiler ahead, proceed with caution! In Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan there is a hilarious segment in which Salman and Pooja Hedge are showing off their mimicry. Here’s what goes down— Bhagya (played by Pooja) mimics how South Indians express themselves in different situations and she aces it. But nothing comes close to Bhaijaan’s act. Salman one-ups her with literally zero expressions. This act is actually a dig at Katrina’s talents. Allow me to give you the context.
In 2017, Salman and Katrina made their way to Dance India Dance Season 6’s stage for Tiger Zinda Hai’s promotions. The two got into a mimicry challenge and the result was hilarious. While Kat perfectly mimicked Salman, he decided to pull the actress’s leg. Salman portrayed Katrina by maintaining an expressionless face for every emotion he was asked to depict. Scroll down for the video:
Salman loves to tease Katrina and I love their banter. While most exes find it hard to stay friends, these two have proved that all you need is humour and respect.
I am dying to hear Katrina’s take on this not-so-subtle poke by Salman. It is time for you to tease him back, Kat!
Feature Image: Instagram
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