Deepika Padukone recently grabbed the internet by storm when she released wholesome pictures from the 10th anniversary reunion of Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. In the photos, DP can be seen hugging her co-stars Ranbir Kapoor, Kalki Koechlin, and Aditya Roy Kapur, while smiling wide. The reunion sparked nostalgia among fans, but it also raised questions about DP and RK’s bond.
Judging from the pictures, it seemed like DP and Ranbir had the time of their lives at the party. Some internet users even claimed that Deepika seemed to be happier with Ranbir and had not yet moved on from him. However, according to an inside source, what happened at the reunion was nothing like what showed in the photos. Turns out, Ranbir hardly spent any time with his ex and co-star, Deepika.
The source shared that Ranbir was engrossed in deep conversations with his other co-star, Kalki Koechlin. Since the actor has recently become a father, he had numerous questions for Kalki, who is the mother of a three-year-old daughter. They were seen having intense conversations about parenthood and how life changes after having a child.
Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra, Pritam, and Kunal Roy Kapur were also present at the party, in addition to the main cast. The source further added that producer Karan Johar, who is also the father of twins, Yash and Roohi, joined Ranbir and Kalki’s conversation. He discussed his own parenting experiences and even provided the new dad with some advice. As a result, Ranbir spent little time with Deepika.
While Ranbir spent most of his time with Kalki and Karan, Deepika was involved in creative discussions about filmmaking with Aditya Roy Kapur, Ayan Mukerji, and other guests who were present at the party.
Well, it seems like Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone did have the time of their lives at the reunion, just not with each other. Whether this was on purpose or simply a coincidence, we’re sure that the two have no hard feelings for each other.
Feature Image: Instagram
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