After being MIA on social media for quite some time, the bold and enthusiastic actress Rakhi Sawant is back and this time, not with any controversy. People may say a million things to her but I for once, think that she is not only entertaining, but also courageous and gutsy. She does not care about the world and makes sure she expresses her opinions wherever needed. While some may not require as much attention, this issue definitely needs all our focus.
If you have been following the news, then you would know that the government has banned the airing of condom ads between 6 am to 10 pm on small screens. While we (and a lot of celebrities) have expressed our views on the same, there is Rakhi Sawant who has also taken it a tad bit personally. She endorsed a condom brand very recently and feels that it was because of her that the government took that step. According to what she told a popular daily, she believes that every time there is anything about her, the government makes it a point to start one ban or the other. She also feels that in a country like ours, sex education is the need of the hour.
We may not know if she is absolutely right but we agree that imposing such restrictions don’t make any sense whatsoever! Kids are very smart these days and will explore these things one way or the other and no amount of bans will stop them. The least we can do is make sure they are well informed and equipped to handle things that come their way.
Image: Deccan Chronicle
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