After the success of the first installment, Shubh Mangal Saavdhan which released in 2017, the makers are all set to make a sequel with a twist. On May 9th, Anand L Rai, the director of the film and Ayushmann Khurrana, the lead actor announced the second film which will be titled Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan.
Keeping in mind, the spirit of pride and India’s latest stand on homosexuality with Article 377, Shubh Mangal Zyada Savdhan will follow the story of a gay man and how he comes out to his conservative Indian family. While Ayushmann has been finalised as one of the leads, it is speculated that the role of his partner/love interest will be played by Rajkummar Rao! Rajkummar and Ayushmann have previously worked together in Bareilly Ki Barfi, so we know for sure that they share spectacular chemistry. A recent report by a leading newspaper suggests that Rajkummar is being considered for the role but nothing has been confirmed as of yet.
Ayushmann, who is currently promoting his latest release Article 15, shared in a recent interview with IANS that he was blown away by the script of Shubh Mangal Zyada Savdhan and thinks it will make a brilliant film. “It is one of the most brilliant films that I have read in a long time and it handles the subject of homosexuality really sensitively. It is a pleasure to collaborate again with the master storyteller of our times. It is an out and out entertaining film that will also make you think and that’s the hallmark of good cinema,” the actor shared.
The first movie, starring Ayushmann Khurrana and Bhumi Pedenekar, tackled the journey of a young straight man who suffers from erectile dysfunction, in a comical yet impactful manner. Two years later, the actor is ready to recreate the magic once again and we can’t wait!
Featured Image: India TV
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