Rajkummar Rao has been on our fashion radar for some time now and with every new look, especially for the promotions of his upcoming movie Stree, he is proving that he’s more than a great actor. He’s a “bad, bad, badass babuaa…” when it comes to style too.
Thanks to his friend and star stylist Isha Bhansali, we get to see Rajkummar in fashion-forward outfits. Queen, Newton, Bareilly Ki Barfi, Fanney Khan and now Stree, Rajkummar’s outfits in movies are completely opposite to his real-life fashion capabilities. Take his recent look, for example.
WARNING: Highly Fashionable
Whoever says men don’t have as many options as women when it comes to fashion, look up^!
In a Sahil Aneja pullover that has the potential to stop traffic with its graphic print and a Mitesh Lodha checked blazer, he’s looking like a Rajkumar for real. Though, the Burberry shades and Gucci sneakers didn’t surprise me as much as his Forever 21 jeans.
Yes, Forever 21 has a men-only label called 21 Men. No, Forever 21 is not just for women.
We’re so digging Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor‘s candids from the promotions of Stree. He’s such a natural charmer and fashionista, isn’t he?
How I wish to trade lives with this Stree on his left, ugh!
We wonder how many more amazing OOTD ideas Rajkumar is going to bless us with before the movie’s release on 31st August!
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