Radhika Merchant, the newest Ambani bahu, has taken the internet by storm with her stunning fashion choices. The diva, who is engaged to Anant Ambani, Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s younger son, attends every family and fashion event. In fact, she’s often the best-dressed guest at these dos! Her fashion sense is modern with a touch of traditionalism, which perfectly suits her personality.
Let’s look at all the times Radhika Merchant stole the limelight:
Beauty In Black
The recent Nita Mukesh Ambani Convention Centre (NMACC) launch was a three-day gala where we saw celebrities putting on their best fashion game. On day 1, Radhika was unquestionably one of the best dressed. She looked stunning in a black Shahab Durazi saree paired with a dramatic blouse. Radhika accessorised her 5 lakh rupee saree with a Hermès Kellymorphose mini bag worth approximately Rs 2 crores!
Abu Jani & Sandeep Khosla’s Muse
Radhika looked stunning in a powder blue Abu Jani & Sandeep Khosla saree on the second day of the NMACC launch. The chiffon beauty featured moghal jaal work and was embellished with sequins, resham, and Swarovski crystals. It was elegantly draped, creating the illusion of a lehenga.
Did Someone Say After Party?
Radhika was ready to groove at the NMACC after-party on day 2 in a floral Dolce & Gabbana jumpsuit. A stunning pink cape complemented the printed jacquard jumpsuit. The diva did, however, add a traditional twist to the outfit by accessorising it with an heirloom necklace. Iconic!
Cutie In Cut-Out
Radhika Merchant chose a beautiful blue-hued cut-out dress by Prabal Gurung for Day 3 of the NMACC gala event. She accessorised the floral dress with delicate diamond earrings and a diamond necklace. While the summery dress appears to be extremely simple and breezy, it costs Rs 98,000!
Pretty In Pink
Recently, designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla hosted a star-studded party, and Radhika was the best dressed at that event as well. She wore a blush pink ruffle saree with an ivory blouse. The blouse had a sweetheart neckline and was embellished with sequins and tassels. Radhika’s accessories drew more attention than her outfit. She was wearing a diamond choker and toting a baby pink Hermès Kelly bag!
Radhika Merchant has been serving one lewk after another and now I can’t wait to see her wedding outfit!
Feature Image: Instagram
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