Priyanka Chopra recently visited India to attend the NMACC launch and stunned us with her amazing looks. On the second day of Ambani’s gala, the desi girl wore a 65-year-old Banarasi saree that had been wonderfully upcycled into an indo-western ensemble. While everyone was smitten by her OOTN, I couldn’t help but obsess over her diamond choker!
PeeCee wore the Bulgari Serpenti necklace, which represents the brand’s most famous heritage design, the serpent. It is an animal motif that is especially significant in ancient Roman culture, representing fertility, rebirth, and protection against evil spirits. The magnificent beauty has 200 carats of diamonds with a snake head in the centre, featuring an emerald eye. It comes with a whopping price tag of $1 million dollars, which is more than Rs 8 crores!
The necklace could literally make an entire room shimmer! Due to its opulent lustre and trendy layout, it has become a favourite among many celebrities. Jewellery connoisseurs believe this is the “necklace of the year.” Not just Priyanka, this exquisite piece of jewellery has been donned by various other celebrities.
Selena Gomez
At the 2022 SAG Awards, Selena Gomez ensured all eyes were on her as she hit the red carpet in a sleek black Oscar de la Renta gown accessorised with the Bulgari choker.
Zendaya recently went all out promoting the brand’s campaign while clad from head to toe in Bulgari. She wore an ornate satin orange dress with exaggerated sleeves and a Serpenti necklace that adorned the deep neckline. Her bracelets, rings, and earrings were also from the same collection.
Cara Delevingne
Cara Delevingne looked gorgeous on the red carpet at the 2023 Oscars in an Ellie Saab one-shoulder red gown with a thigh-high slit. While the romantic gown was already a marvel, the Bulgari Serpenti choker was the icing on the cake! She wore it with matching diamond earrings, which featured a little emerald stud.
Lisa From Blackpink
Lisa from Blackpink is not just a K-pop idol, but also a world-renowned fashion icon with high-end tastes. She is also a Bulgari enthusiast, frequently wearing the Italian luxury brand’s jewellery. However, the most costly piece of jewellery she has ever worn has to be the $1 million Serpenti choker!
Julianne Moore
American actress Julianne Moore also donned this breathtaking beauty at the 2022 BAFTAs. The Serpenti necklace beautifully glistened against her strapless black gown. Since the necklace was already doing most of the talking, Julianne chose a pair of dainty diamond studs to go with it.
If you want to own this stunning necklace, all you need to do is sell your house! It’s just that simple.
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