Priyanka Chopra has not only given Hollywood one spectacular performance after another, but she has also given us some breathtaking fashion looks. After her Citadel promotions wardrobe and her iconic 2023 Met Gala look, we’re convinced that the actress’ fashion credo is bold, beautiful, and bougie! She is currently promoting her upcoming film, Love Again, and enthralling us with her OOTNs.
Amidst her super busy schedule, Priyanka still managed to have a romantic date night with her husband, Nick Jonas. The couple went dining at Sona in New York City, the Indian restaurant that the actress co-owns. She wore a pink dress from Sportmax Fall 2023 collection that was covered in cutouts.
The dress was made of velvety material that glistened on the streets of Manhattan, and it had long sleeves, twisted front, side, and back cutouts, and a knotted skirt with several more openings and strips of dangling fabric. TBH, the bottom of the dress was extremely confusing. Even the internet could not figure out what was going on!
One user wrote, “The bottom half reminds me of polythene bags tied together for some reason,” another wrote, “I am trying hard to decode this dress,” and a third wrote, “I love the top part of the dress. She looks gorgeous in this colour. I’m gonna pretend the bottom doesn’t exist.”
Well, this is one of those rare occasions when we happen to agree with the netizens. Given Priyanka’s fashion potential, this dress was simply not sitting well. While PeeCee still managed to make the outfit look sexy with her confidence, we can totally imagine Uorfi Javed rocking this look! The overbearing cutouts and the silhouette scream Uorfi. This is an official petition for having Uorfi recreate this look!
Although Priyanka Chopra could’ve done better with the outfit, her pink rhinestone-covered, heart-shaped purse has won some brownie points. Also, that sexy back is absolutely giving!
Feature Image: Instagram
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