Bollywood is known for its edgy choices and Priyanka Chopra is amongst the bandwagon. So a bold look by her is something we could totally expect. But a bizarre element in it? There is a fine line that, when crossed, could turn a cool appearance into one that’s downright weird and well, let’s just say something along the same lines happened in the diva’s recent one.
A Risqué Look Featuring Priyanka Chopra
Without further ado, continue reading to find out all about it.
An Outfit With Drama To Spare
For putting together her recent look, Priyanka Chopra chose to wear an outfit from London-based fashion designer Emilia Wickstead. Incorporating embroidered lace, the head-to-toe black dress featured a head-turning appeal, a risqué neckline and distinct silhouette making it a standout selection. A dramatic, cape-like torse aside, the actress’s designer look also made use of a pleated skirt, giving it the overall look of a tucked-in outfit.
For the occasion, Priyanka Chopra was styled by Law Roach, and even though her outfit comprised billowing sleeves, loads of drama and a plunging neckline that could make anyone nervous, it was another element that actually made us rub out eyes and look twice, just to be sure. Continue to scroll to see for yourselves but before that, shop from our curated list of selections featuring one-piece as well as separates that could give way to a similar outfit.
But About Those Shoes…
Now coming to the questionable fashion choices. Though Priyanka Chopra wore a pair of stellar heels by Louboutin in the first picture, for the second snapshot, she changed into—wait for it—Crocs. Matching. With glitz. We wish that wasn’t true, majorly because just looking at them makes us roll our eyes far back into our head but then, that’s what it is. The pair was also apparently customised for the actress, as per a shoutout on her Instagram.
Given the choice, we will give those Crocs a miss and just stick to our basic heels at the moment and in case you would too, we picked out one that would work for you as well. Nothing in this pair to make you nervous, we promise! And while you are at it, don’t miss out on the versatile makeup find that goes a long way. Go on.
That dress? Big yes. The Crocs? No, thank you. Don’t @ us.
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Featured Image: Instagram
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