The celebrations are endlessly proceeding for the Quantico actor Priyanka Chopra and husband Nick Jonas. After getting married in Umaid Bhawan Palace, Udaipur, the couple hosted three wedding receptions in India and recently, their parents hosted another reception for Nick’s extended family in the US. On Sunday, NickYanka were spreading love once again. PeeCee shared the pictures of the reception on her Instagram account. It was hosted by Nick and his parents in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Priyanka posted a family portrait on Instagram with a caption, “Fam jam. Thank you @nelliessouthernkitchen @mamadjonas @papakjonas for a wonderful reception! We love you! This was amazing.” Nick’s family further shared more pictures and videos in which the brothers were singing and the couple was seen dancing together. They were later joined by Sophie Turner on the stage. For the occasion, Priyanka wore an off-shoulder white dress and Nick looked handsome in a Khaki jacket.
As the couple made their way to the restaurant, they were greeted by Nick’s family. Joe Jonas even sang Cake By The Ocean as NickYanka danced to his tunes.
See all the videos from the reception party here:
Priyanka arrived in the Los Angeles earlier this month. PeeCee, Nick and Priyanka’s dog Diana are now living in their new home in Hollywood as a happy family.
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