Ranbir Kapoor sure broke some rules when he dared to adorn his hands with a gorgeous mehendi design in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Grooms-to-be, who earlier shied away from putting even a single dot of henna on their hands, started opting for intricate mehendi designs and patterns almost immediately! But the same movie also had Anushka Sharma with her beautiful and minimal mehendi that looked oh-so-pretty! We even have a picture that’ll help you recall that moment…
Latest mehndi designs for brides need not have a lot of drama. The year 2017 seems to be the season of minimal mehndi designs, with almost all the brides opting for unique, subdued and intricate patterns. Want to see what’s new in the henna arena this shaadi season? Read on…
1. Festivity in the air, and on the hands!
The first thing we notice in this picture is obviously the electric blue nail paint, but on closer inspection, the beautiful dancing couple comes into view. Isn’t this design minimalism at its best? We are not only stunned by how intricate this henna design is but also how neatly it has been carved.
Still can’t get over the colour of her nail paint, though? Get the same one from Nykaa for Rs. 179.
2. Move over ‘message in a bottle’, it’s time to carve out a message in the mehendi!
Mehendi is said to have a positive effect on one’s mind. It even has herbal properties that helps in cooling down the body temperature. And to add to its umpteen qualities, you could even carve out a message through a beautiful design! This bride got ‘the best is yet to come’ inscribed in her mehendi design, which is such a cool idea! You could even incorporate your favourite quote to make it unique.
3. Elan and intricacy!
Like we said earlier, minimal seems to be the trend for bridal mehendi this season. Gone are the days when bridal mehendi reached up to your elbows, (and sometimes higher!) more and more brides are opting for detailed and subtle mehendi designs. The ‘less is more’ concept works here; it is all about the pretty designs!
Want your hands to look even prettier? This gota and pom-pom haath phool for Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop, priced at Rs 1,580, is just what you need!
4. Team doggo, now and always!
Doggie lover, are you? Then why not involve your furry friend in every aspect of your wedding, just like this bride did here. She got a picture of her pup made into her mehndi design and we just can’t get our eyes off the mehndi design image!
5. Pretty up them feet too…
A closer look will make you applaud its intricacy and minimal design aesthetics even more. Henna-dyed feet look gorgeous, and if the design is right and flattering, then trust us, you will never want it to fade out!
This gorgeous pair of anklets is the perfect adornment for your stunning henna-dyed feet. Get it on Myntra for Rs 639.
6. For those who believe in ‘Less is More’
This bride took her love for minimalistic bridal mehndi designs to a new level altogether! This intricate mehndi design image is #goals. This can be an ideal pattern for brides who have sensitive skin and also for those who cannot stand the smell of henna (yes, some people actually DON’T like it!)
7. Is the diamond prettier or the mehendi? We say the mehendi…
Look how pretty! If you want your hands to be covered with mehendi but not look OTT, then you should go for a design like this. The leafy pattern is simple and yet manages to look so damn good. The only thing about minimal mehendi is that it should be very neatly done, else it can look too shabby.
Want a comfy robe to wear while you get your bridal makeup and hair done? This floral one from Myntra available for Rs 949 is just right for you!
8. There is so much beauty in symmetry
This design is so neatly done that one could mistake it for a photoshopped one. Perfectly symmetrical mehendi on both hands and feet looks gorgeous. This is why you should always opt for the best mehendi designers in your city. Here’s a list of some of the best ones in delhi that you should check out.
9. His picture in the heart, and on the hands…
This artistic portrait mehendi has been a rage since last year, and we totally understand why! If you want to opt for a design that’s grand and unique, you could go for portrait mehendi. Make sure you choose an experienced mehendi artist who can do justice to such an artistic design, orelse it can be quite a disaster!
Don’t you love this bride’s gorgeous pink and green lehenga? Buy a similar combination on Amazon for Rs 2,789.
10. Coz’ jaals will never go out of fashion
Jaali design and weddings are inseparable. From the phoolon ki chaadars to floral dupattas, wedding decor and now even mehendi designs, the jaali motif is quite a favourite amongst brides. They look elegant and have the power to instantly perk up almost every bridal outfit.
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