The Prime Minister of India decided to have an informal interview with his favourite Bollywood actor, Akshay Kumar. The actor’s appreciation for India’s PM has been quite public, almost as public as his wife, Twinkle Khanna’s opinions about the PM’s political party! Which is why, it came as quite a hilarious surprise that the Prime Minister is aware of Akshay Kumar’s Twitter account, and goes through Twinkle Khanna’s tweets as well.
During the interview, the PM joked about how he is responsible for maintaining peace in the actor’s marriage. Modi said, “I follow you (Akshay Kumar) and Twinkle Khanna ji on Twitter. From the way she targets me, I understand there must be peace in your family life,” followed by a laugh from Akshay’s side, “All her anger must have been spent on me, and so you must be feeling at peace.”
Author and columnist, Twinkle Khanna, who is known to be candid about her political preference, took this remark in a stride and even posted the clip from the interview on her Instagram.
In the past, Twinkle Khanna has tweeted about BJP’s policies before and regularly shares articles about the political party. The actress writes a weekly column under her pen name, Mrs Funny Bones and often talks about India’s social issues, taking a dig at India’s ruling party in the process.
Source: Twitter
This is just one of Twinkle Khanna’s tweets in which she speaks about BJP’s campaign scheme. Despite different opinions about politics, Akshay and Twinkle have always spoken their mind and while one supports the PM, the other doesn’t hold back from being brutally honest.
Glad to see that they’ve taken it in a stride!
Featured Images: Instagram
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