Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha are having a lot of fun teasing the fans on social media. While the two haven’t made their relationship official, they haven’t been shy about throwing wedding hints at us. Recently, Pari got everyone’s attention when she was spotted with a band on her ring finger. What does this mean? Are Raghav and Parineeti engaged or rokafied already?
Allow me to give you some context— Parineeti was papped at celebrity manager Poonam Damania’s office recently and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But then, the actress’ silver band got my attention. Well, it is fair to say that this is all the confirmation I need about her wedding plans. Scroll down to watch the video:
I am dying to see Parineeti and Raghav’s Insta official post soon. Can we skip to the good part?
When Raghav Broke His Silence On Wedding Buzz
After March 2023, Pari and Raghav were spotted together a number of times. In fact, when Pari’s cousin Priyanka Chopra arrived in tow, speculations suggested that a roka ceremony was planned for the two.
Recently, Raghav was questioned about his rumoured wedding during a media interaction. He replied that they were celebrating his political party’s success and, “Aur kai saare jashn manane ka mauka ayega” (We will get a lot more opportunities to celebrate in future).”
Clearly, Raghav didn’t deny any rumours! How many more hints one needs?
According to the grapevine, Raghav and Parineeti are old college friends. They reconnected earlier this year and since then they have been by each other’s side.
BRB, manifesting Parineeti and Ragahv’s wedding announcement soon. They sure look good together!
Feature Image: Instagram
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