On Monday morning, Kartik Aaryan dropped a major bomb when he announced himself as the lead actor for Aashiqui 3. Ever since then, there has been constant chatter about who’s gonna play the lead opposite Kartik. According to the tittle-tattle, telly star, Jennifer Winget was rumoured to have accpted the role opposite Kartik. However, these rumours were slammed by the makers. According to the recent buzz in B-town, Deepika Padukone, Kriti Sanon, and Shraddha Kapoor are being considered to play the lead in the musical love story. And TBH, we cannot keep calm!
Giving us an insight into the film preparations, a close source revealed, “As we speak, the team is in the process of locking the cast and also giving those final touches to the script. Music seating has also begun, as the idea is to create an album that’s remembered for ages to come. Buzz is, that the team is considering three names at the moment — Deepika Padukone, Kriti Sanon, and Shraddha Kapoor. It’s one of these three actresses who will be the Aashiqui leading lady with Kartik Aaryan.”
The source further added, “The shoot schedule has been worked upon and there are multiple facets that are been considered to lock the female lead of the film. It’s slated to go on floors in 2023 and the makers are leaving no stone unturned to have a formidable cast in place. All the permutations and combinations need to fall in place before a formal announcement is made. By year-end, the female lead of Aashiqui 3 is expected to be locked.”
We’re sure that the audience would love to see either of these talented actresses play the lead. While Shraddha is an Aashiqui veteran, Kartik and Kriti have already impressed the fans with their chemistry in Luka Chuppi. So it would be a delight to watch them share screen space again. On the other hand, Kartik Aaryan and Deepika Padukone would make one heck of a pairing! I mean, the quintessential chocolate boy romancing the hottest and most talented B-town diva? Well, we’ve already got a hit!
TBH, Kartik Aaryan’s charm can sweep anyone off their feet. So irrespective of who plays the lead opposite him, we’re certain it’s gonna be quite a heartwarming saga. We are also excited about the music album! BRB, listening to Tum Hi Ho on loop.
Feature Image: Instagram
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