Ever since Dipika Kakar and Shoaib Ibrahim welcomed their baby boy, fans have been waiting to get a sneak peek of their lil one. All this while, the baby was admitted to the NICU because of his premature birth. But guess what? Dipika and Shoaib just took him home and gave us a glimpse of the little bundle of joy.
In a video shared by a pap account, Shoaib and Dipika can be seen walking out of the hospital with their Chotu (as they call him). The new parents are glowing with happiness and they fondly carry their baby boy. Here, watch the video:
In another video, Dipika and Shoaib can be seen requesting the paps not to be loud to avoid waking up the baby.
While we couldn’t see the face of Shoaib and Dipika’s lil boy, we are sure he’s a cutie. Here’s hoping the new parents introduce us to the little one soon!
Feature Image: Instagram
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