The much awaited trailer of OK Jaanu is out, and man, it’s the ultimate modern day love story. We’re in love with Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapoor’s jodi and after Aashiqui 2, this time also, they both look adorable with each other. The movie has been directed by Shaad Ali and is all set to hit the cinema screens on 13th January next year. OK Jaanu is a film about a couple, Adi and Tara, who decide to live together till the time they both have to leave for two different countries, for the sake of their careers. The trailer looks super promising and we really can’t wait to watch this film. The music has been given by A.R. Rahman and it’s amazing as always. So guys, hit the play button and watch the trailer of this beautiful film, now! *Heart*
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