
Now You Can Get Infection & AMR Detection In 90 Minutes As Game Changing Tech Reduces 3-Day Wait

Vasudha Sabharwal  |  Sep 10, 2024
ramja genosensor

Imagine this: If your loved one is admitted in ICU, and you waiting for them to come back, to attend your birthday. But in the old scenario, where due to no fast test to detect your loved one’s infection, the doctor would provide an empirical antibiotics test. Meanwhile, you were left popping antibiotics that had a chance of not even working. Sounds frustrating, right? Improving one organ they would develop more infection due to antimicrobial resistance, because doctors were still waiting for culture results to change the antibiotics course. But it was the old scenario!

Now, what if I told you that there’s a technology out there that can diagnose what’s going on and tell you exactly what antibiotics will work, all within 90 minutes? Enter the RAMJA Genosensor—a total game-changer technology in the world of medical diagnostics.

Thank GOD, today we have PRATHAMA SENSE Genosensor a technology developed by RAMJA Genosensor, which is the only technology in world that can detect sepsis in blood, even UTI in urine and fungus and antimicrobial resistance in any body fluid, all in just 90 minutes, WHOW, it’s a wonder test. 

RAMJA Genosensor

Why Antimicrobial Resistance is a Big Deal

Before we dive into how cool the RAMJA Genosensor is, let’s talk about the villain of our story: antimicrobial resistance (AMR). You’ve probably heard about how bacteria are getting smarter and stronger, making our go-to antibiotics less effective. This isn’t some distant future scenario—it’s happening right now. AMR is a silent pandemic, with one person dying every 45th second and rate may increase vigorously. As per WHO, there will be one death in every 3rd second by 2050, if we do not get the fast methods. Imagine a world where even a simple infection could turn deadly because no antibiotics work anymore. Scary, right?

Antibiotic research

The problem with AMR is that it’s sneaky. Doctors prescribe antibiotics without waiting for a 3 days culture test. That is a big problem because there is no fast test available, and they can change the treatment after 3 days, which gives bacteria a chance to evolve. And if you’re not using the right antibiotic, you’re basically giving them the training they need to resist. The traditional way to figure out what’s causing an infection and whether it’s resistant to any drugs is slow—like, really slow. We’re talking days of waiting while your doctor’s best guess might not be good enough.


RAMJA Genosensor to the Rescue

So, how do we beat these pesky, resistant bacteria at their own game? With RAMJA Genosensor, of course! This tech is like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. It’s a super-smart device that can tell you exactly in a gene specific manner which bug is causing your infection and what antibiotics can kick its butt—all in just 90 minutes.

RAMJA Genosensor

Here’s how it works: They take a sample from you (blood, urine and body fluid), and the Genosensor gets to work. It looks for specific bits of DNA or RNA that belong to the bad guys—aka the bacteria. Not only does it ID the culprit, but it also checks if they’ve got any of those resistance genes that make antibiotics useless.

RAMJA Genosensor

In less time than it takes to watch a movie, you’ve got a full report that tells your doctor exactly what’s going on and how to fix it. No more guessing, no more waiting—just results that could save your life.

Why This Matters Big Time

Okay, so what’s the big deal about getting these results so fast? Here’s why RAMJA Genosensor is making waves:

1. Fast Treatment = Fast Recovery: When you know exactly what’s wrong in just 90 minutes, you can start the right treatment ASAP. That means getting better faster and not having to deal with the wrong meds.

2. No More Guessing Games: With RAMJA Genosensor, your doctor can ditch the trial-and-error approach. They’ll know exactly which antibiotic will work for you, which is a win-win for everyone.

RAMJA Genosensor

3. Fighting AMR Head-On: By using the right antibiotic right away, we’re not giving bacteria a chance to learn how to resist. This tech could be a huge player in the fight against AMR.

4. Saving Time and Money: Faster diagnosis means shorter hospital stays and fewer complications. That’s more money saved, less stress, and better outcomes all around.

RAMJA Genosensor

5. A Global Impact: RAMJA Genosensor doesn’t just help individual patients. It could also help track and monitor resistance patterns worldwide, giving us a heads-up on any new threats.

Changing the World, One Quick Diagnosis at a Time

Let’s be real—RAMJA Genosensor is more than just a cool gadget. It’s a glimpse into the future of healthcare. As the world faces the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, having a tool that can quickly and accurately diagnose infections and their resistance profiles is a total game-changer. It’s not just about treating infections faster—it’s about doing it smarter and making sure our antibiotics keep working when we need them most.

In a world where time is literally of the essence, RAMJA Genosensor is leading the charge, helping us stay one step ahead of the bugs. So next time you’re feeling sick, wouldn’t it be great to know there’s tech out there that’s got your back? Here’s to a healthier future, thanks to RAMJA Genosensor! Moreover RAMJA Genosensor technology is among the top 5 innovations of the country, which is already launched by PM.Modi.

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