Actor Naga Chaitanya and Shobhita Dhulipala are all set to tie the knot on December 4 at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. With just days to go before their big day, the couple has officially kicked off their pre-wedding festivities. The internet is buzzing with pictures from the celebrations, and they’re nothing short of dreamy!
The pictures are from their Mangala snanam (haldi ceremony) and are here and we love the vibe of the festivities.
In a recent interview, Naga talked about Shobhita. He said, “I was in Mumbai for the launch of my OTT show, during that time, she did have a show with the same platform as well. We first interacted at the event hosted by the OTT platform,” Furthermore he said, “It’s been lovely getting to know Sobhita and her family the past few months, watching the families interact has been a joy. I am really looking forward to and excited for the wedding day, going through all the rituals and watching the families come together.
Now we can’t wait to see them as bride and groom.
Featured Image: Instagram
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