
#MyStory: How I Married My High School Crush!

AnonymousAnonymous  |  Sep 26, 2016
#MyStory: How I Married My High School Crush!

Since the school I studied in was only up to class 8, I had to eventually move to the bigger branch of the same institution. And when I did, I got separated from two of my best friends, both of whom were together in a section different from mine. I didn’t know anyone in my section and therefore, I ran to the other section in my free time and spent it with my besties. Here is where I was introduced to a guy, who I thought was very attractive. His name was Arjun.

I would see him almost every day and my attraction towards him only grew. Within two months of this, I realized that he lived in the same society as mine! I then changed my route from school to home and started taking the same route as he did. I really had fallen for him.

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As holding back my feelings was becoming difficult for me, one day I went up to Arjun and told him everything. Sadly, he said ‘no’ to me. I was really disheartened and stopped going to my friends’ class from then on. However, this didn’t change my feelings for him even a wee bit.

One day, when we were in class 10, as I looked at him with admiration, I noticed that he was somewhat reciprocating that. And this eye contact game lasted an entire year! All his friends would tell me that he definitely was interested in me and that he suppressed his feelings for some reason.

Then came a time when a girl, who got transferred and came to my section, also had a crush on Arjun. He ended up rejecting her as well. That girl made my life hell when she got to know that he and I had a little something going on. She would insult me, and speak ill of me to our teachers as well!

I wonder what came upon Arjun one day – he came up to me and told me very rudely to never come in front of him again. Following this, if we would ever cross paths, he’d look through me – something I obviously found very hurtful. I’d cry all day and night.

I gradually diverted my attention to my studies, and as time passed, it was our farewell day. This was when Arjun walked up to me, said I looked good that day, and added, “I have responsibilities on my shoulders and that’s why I cannot think of my happiness right now.”

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I couldn’t understand it at that point and so I said nothing. But my life’s most beautiful moment was when he kissed my forehead and said, “You’re someone I will always remember.” I cried as he said bye that day.

I was happy that he said that to me, and honestly, I never even looked at any other guy. I pursued a career in HR and did well for myself. I made myself busy with work and time was just flying by.

One day, as I was returning home from work, I saw him waiting outside my house! He asked if I had waited for him. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I just didn’t know what to do – I was so happy. This was when we started dating. And guess what, he always knew that I walked behind him on the way home from school. 😉

Now, it’s been two years since we’ve been married, and I feel we were always meant to be. It was destined. Why did he behave in a rude manner that one time in school, you ask? He was trying to save me from that girl and thought that him backing off would cool things off on that front.

* Names changed to protect privacy.

Images: Shutterstock

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