
What Does Milind Soman Do To Look So Hot At 57? Here’s The Tea!

Aadrika SominderAadrika Sominder  |  Mar 26, 2024
What Does Milind Soman Do To Look So Hot At 57? Here’s The Tea!

If there is one man loved by the predominantly female team I work with, it’s Milind Soman. Always the man of the moment, his marriage was a dark day for the salt-and-pepper lovers. I know few people who are in their late 50s and none who look so, so good (sorry dadi). I know there are a lot of celebrities in Bollywood who this article could have been about – but none with the obsessiveness and perseverance of this man.

After a little research and a few hours of incessant stalking (hey, I’m not complaining), I found a few things he does that make him one of India’s hottest men. Here are a few.

Fruity Breakfasts

In a few Instagram posts, the actor can be seen exercising with fruits like muskmelon and watermelon. Turns out fruits are one of the biggest secrets to his flawless skin.

“Orange juice anyone? I normally never drink fruit juice even if it’s fresh, I prefer to eat whole fruits because to get all the benefits and waste nothing. I do drink vegetable juice though, any raw vegetables that can be juiced, spinach celery, carrot, beetroot and cucumber are my favourite!” he says.

Exercise, Even If It Kills You

Another thing his Hotness does regularly is intense exercise. From cardio, and weights to yoga – he’s done it all and loves it all.

“17 pull-ups for today on my second favourite bar. I try to do one set everyday, one set of pushups, one set of squats and some skipping….totally around 8-10 minutes, if I have more tome and I’m not feeling too lazy, I do more stuff,” his caption reads.

A Well Balanced Diet

Apart from his insane fruit intake, Milind also focuses on making sure he follows a balanced diet. Three vegetarian meals a day, lots of plant proteins, and of course, fibre.

He describes his daily routine in his caption. “Wake up, drink approx 500ml room temp water. Breakfast – around 10am. Some nuts, one papaya, one melon, any seasonal fruit like mangoes, about four. Lunch – around 2pm. usually rice and dal khichadi with local and seasonal vegetables, ratio one part dal/rice and 2 parts vegetables. With two teaspoons homemade ghee. Sometimes, if not rice, 6 chapatis with vegetables and dal. Very rarely, like once a month, a small piece of chicken/mutton or an egg. 5pm – sometimes, one cup of black tea, sweetened with jaggery. Dinner – around 7pm. A plate of vegetables/bhaji. If very hungry, some khichadi. No non vegetarian. Before sleeping some turmeric in hot water, sweetened with jaggery.”

Kadha > Everything

Another thing he loves to indulge in is kadha. During COVID-19, it was one of the things that he and his wife, Ankita Konwar did regularly.

“This was us in quarantine! First time for me, second time for Milind. Asymptomatic and now negative. Tested because we met someone who turned out to be positive. Homegrown food, kadha everyday!” he says.

Sunscreen Is For Losers

A weird hack he tends to follow is the ‘no sunscreen rule’; instead of sunscreen he applies dahi. As someone who works in the skincare industry, I don’t recommend skipping it but this is not about me – it’s about what he does.

“I don’t use sunscreen. After running, if the sun has been really hot I use a little curd on my face, and wash it off with water when it dries. Skin feels good, tan looks amazing!” he says and for once, I don’t stan.

Natural Moisturisers

Apart from exercising with fruits and eating them, Soman also likes to use the vitamins from the skin of the fruits for his face. Sorry mama, for doubting you when you did the same. If it works for Milind, I guess it’ll work for me.

“I eat fruits every morning, whatever is seasonal, a whole watermelon, a whole papaya, 5-6 mangoes, some bananas, yes all together. Sometimes it takes me an hour!!! And then I rub the skins on my face :).”

In an interview with Zee Zest he also mentions that “I don’t have a strict hair care routine either, I massage fruit into my hair as well and wash it regularly.”

Through a blend of mindful eating, rigorous exercise, and unconventional beauty hacks, Milind has crafted a life and routine that is rather aspirational, if not admirable. Perhaps it’s time for us to start rubbing fruit peels on our skin after eating them too!

Featured Images: instagram.com/@milindrunning

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