
India’s #MeToo Movement: Indian Director Accuses Alok Nath Of Rape

Akanksha BhatiaAkanksha Bhatia  |  Oct 8, 2018
India’s #MeToo Movement: Indian Director Accuses Alok Nath Of Rape

As India’s #MeToo movement unfolds, another famous name has come into the limelight. Alok Nath, a well-known actor from Bollywood, has been accused of rape. 

A veteran writer-producer of the TV show Tara and Director of the movie White Noise, opened up about an incident that happened 19 years ago. As a part of the #MeToo movement that is encouraging women to speak up about their incidents of sexual assault and call out their predators, this director decided to take the plunge by sharing a Facebook post. 

Stand-up comedian Mallika Dua has shared the post on her Twitter account in a two-part thread, calling out the actor publically. 

While the director chose not to take his name in the post, she later confirmed to IANS that it refers to Alok Nath.

Here’s an excerpt from her account:

“I started to walk home on the empty streets… Midway I was accosted by this man who was driving his own car and he asked me to sit in it and said he would drop me home. I trusted him and sat in his car.

I have faint memory after that. I can remember more liquor being poured into my mouth and I remember being violated endlessly. When I woke up the next afternoon, I was in pain. I hadn’t just been raped, I was taken to my own house and had been brutalised. 

I couldn’t get up for my bed. I told some of my friends but everybody advised me to forget about it and move on.”

However, she states that she was once again hired to work with him on a project. Their paths crossed which led to the abuse to continue. 

“he asked me to come to his house again and I went to allow him to violate me. I needed the job and didn’t want to leave it as I needed the money. It was after this that I quit.”

She went on to end the post by urging others to call out their predators, saying, “Speak up. Shout out from the top of the roof.”

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