There has been a lot of speculation that actor, director, and producer Karan Johar is dating designer Manish Malhotra. Over the past years, the two have been seen together at various events and have always said they were ‘just friends’ and not in a relationship.
However, on Karan Johar’s birthday, Manish Malhotra posted a cute picture of the two and a fan went out of her way to post a comment that Manish liked!
Here’s The Picture:
And The Internet Breaking Comment:
In our wildest dreams, we did not expect this to turn into a real deal. But we love being pleasantly surprised!
In appreciation of this ‘alleged’ union, here are a few pictures of the couple together that prove they are downright adorable.
Okay, I’m done, please go Insta-stalk them to your heart’s content now!
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