Mahira Khan recently attended the 8th Beirut International Awards Festival held in Lebanon and her outfit took us by storm. The actor looked ravishing in her backless, ivory Nicolas Jebran couture gown and she gave us major ‘cinderella’ vibes. The starlet was awarded for being ‘Best Dressed’ as well as for her ‘International Recognition’. Styled by Maneka Harisinghani, Mahira totally impressed us with her white princess look. Here are some of her best pictures from the event.
1. Why is she so gorgeous?!
2. OMG! She’s making us forget Aishwarya at Cannes for a moment!
3. Her minimal jewellery is so on fleek!
4. Some selfie sessions at the award show!
5. The stunner!
6. Here she is walking the red carpet!
Isn’t she the best?
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