The season of love seems to have taken over Bollywood completely. With Priyanka Chopra getting engaged to Nick Jonas and Deepika and Ranveer getting all set *fingers crossed* for their November wedding, we can see that our favourite celebs are completely in the love mode. Not to forget the latest lovebirds on the block – Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. They have made it pretty evident with all their mushy PDA and Instagram posts about how much they like each other.
Ranbir’s mom, Neetu Singh, who’s never shared a great equation with her son’s ex-girlfriends also seems to be very fond of Alia. Chalo acha hai, it’s good to see that the two ladies are getting along well. Although Neetu has never commented on this, it is evident that she is ready to make Alia her daughter-in-law. While Neetu ji is pretty expressive about her love for Alia, Papa Bhatt has a more practical approach towards the relationship.
In an interview when asked about Alia and Ranbir’s marriage plans, here’s what he said:
“I have never spoken about my children’s private lives. They are adults and it is their prerogative. I would never demean and belittle them by talking about it in public. It’s their right and if they want to talk about it or to remain silent about it; it’s their choice. I respect what they do with their life.”
A few weeks back Ranbir was spotted visiting Mahesh with Alia and when asked about the incident, Papa Bhatt had a witty answer ready:
“Oh, the paparazzi age is here and you have people from the outside using their premise to capture the image, because that’s what the nation is thrusting for. So, not saying more, I’d let the paparazzi guess if papa is raazi.”
Woohoo, hints much?!
Talking about Ranbir in general, he said:
“He astounded me in Sanju. After Amitabh Bachchan’s Deewar (1975), this is the first time I’ve seen an actor take charge of a character, which is iconic like Sanjay Dutt. Ranbir is barely 34 or 35 and though he comes from the great lineage of the Kapoor family, he has a unique charm and talent that’s his own. He is an original, just like Alia is an original.”
Well well!
Work-wise, Alia and Ranbir will be seen together in Brahmastra, the movie that is responsible for the beginning of their love story!
They look really adorable together and we are totes rooting for Alia and Ranbir!
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