Apple recently unveiled its iPhone 15 series at the ‘Wonderlust’ launch event. And like always, it has taken everyone by storm. In a shocking move, the tech giant has decided to do away with the proprietary Lightning Port and instead go with a USB-C charging port. But wait, that’s not it! The cost of the new iPhones will range from a whooping Rs 79,990 to Rs 1,59,000, and I don’t know how to feel about it.
So if you are also anything like me and would rather spend all that money on something else, then I’ve got some options for you. Stick to your old iPhone, and add one of these trending luxury products to your collection.
Dyson Airwrap
Let every day be your good hair day with the Dyson Airwrap multi-styler which is only for Rs 49,900. Fabulous hair every day tops everything else!
Coach Handbag
Make a stylish appearance wherever you go with the Coach Tabby Shoulder Bag. It comes for Rs 38,150 and you could probably add two different colours to your collection!
Sabyasachi Royal Bengal Tiger Belt
While I can’t afford a Sabya lehenga just yet, I’m adding the signature tiger belt to my wardrobe. With the upcoming festive and shaadi season, it’s the only thing you need to jazz up your desi fit. Oh, and it comes for a chill 19,800 bucks.
Hermès Sandals
Hermès Oran Sandals have turned into a celeb and influencer fave for the effortless and chic look they lend to your outfit. So here’s me convincing you to shell out Rs 57,400 instead of buying a new phone that you probably don’t need.
Cartier LOVE Band
The world is obsessed with Cartier LOVE Bands and so am I. Timeless, classic, and chic, it’s the one thing I’ve been wanting for so long now. For Rs 105,000, this is still cheaper than the new iPhone!
So, can I expect some major money being spent this weekend?!
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