
Top 50 Love Memes To Share With Your Special Someone Right Away!

ShivaniShivani  |  Jan 31, 2022
love memes

It is hard to define love and we doubt anyone really has the answer to the question, ‘what is love?’. But we do have something even better, we have memes about love! It is 2022 and we are no longer sharing love notes or long letters proclaiming our feelings. We all are sharing memes about love and to be honest, it’s too much fun! So when you’re lost for words or just confused about where your relationship is going, meme your way out of life.

10 Funny Love Memes You’ve Got To Check Out

Nothing can brighten up your day like funny love memes can!

  1. Just ‘coz you are in love, doesn’t mean you can’t ask for a bit of sunlight on Valentine’s Day
Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

2. If he doesn’t love you if you turned into a worm, is he even the one?

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

3. Cause we are always just too busy with the pyaar ki padhayi!

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram 

4. If we are dating, imma going to annoy you all the time!

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

5. NGL, just can’t help it…

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

6. Sorry bae, just can’t help it!

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

7. Sorry, there is no way you can refuse a piggyback ride 

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

8. Instant replies are a must when it comes to being in a relationship

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram 

9. Sometimes all you need is your partner’s attention

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram

10. When bae is cute AF but hella annoying

Funny love memes: Credit: Instagram 

Also Read: Types of love

10 Super Cute Memes On Love That Are Hard To Miss

Cute love memes are the best way to express your love. Go ahead, check them out!

  1. Just the cutest meme ever…
Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

2. Love is all about putting each other right and caring

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

3. As the song goes, ‘baby kiss me through the phone!’

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

4. The toughest choice ever

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

5. Hand holding > Everything

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

6. Don’t forget to remind her how much you miss her

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram 

7. It is all fun and games, until…

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

8. Oooops…I did it again

Cute love memes Credit: Instagram

9. When you miss your honey a bit too much

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram

10. It is all about finding your own hype person

Cute love memes: Credit: Instagram 

10 True Love Memes That Are Super Special

True love memes are the best way to express how much you love your bae! These memes about true love will surely make your day and by extension, your partner’s too.

  1. Spoilt for choice…literally
True love memes: Credit: Instagram 

2. Here’s one way to get love…

True love memes: Credit: Instagram

3. Just checking…

True love memes: Credit: Instagram

4. Forehead kisses are everything!

True love memes: Credit: Instagram

5. Them late-night phone calls are just so perfect

True love memes: Credit: Instagram

6. Awwww….

True love memes: Credit: Pinterest

7. When you finally find the one!

True love memes: Credit: Pinterest

8. ‘Coz I love you baby!

True love memes: Credit: Pinterest

9. Find time for me, please!

True love memes: Credit: Instagram

10. Everything I do, I do it for you!

True love memes Credit: Instagram

Love Memes For Him That You Need To Send ASAP 

Want your guy to feel extra special? Say it with love memes for him.!

  1. Simply everything about you!
Love memes for him: Credit: Instagram 

2. I might be angry but I love you forever

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

3. Can’t help it….

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

4. This is a special one!

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

5. Me all the time!

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

6. Can’t stop singing his praises!

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinteret

7. Perfect pickup line, right?

Love memes for him: Credit: Instagram

8. Attention is just so important

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

9. ‘But I love you’

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

10. The one’s for you bae…

Love memes for him: Credit: Pinterest

10 Super Awesome Memes For Her 

Your girl needs to feel special every once in a while and these amazing love memes for her will surely do the trick. Don’t believe us, just watch?

  1. Perfect meme for her!
Love memes for her: Credit: Pinterest

2. That’s how one should flirt *wink*

Love memes for her: Credit: Instagram

3. Google knows it the best

Love memes for her: Credit: Instagram

4. Isn’t this just so sweet?

Love memes for her: Credit: Instagram

4. Perfect Valentine’s Day meme

Love memes for her: Credit: Instagram 

6. Obsessive? No, just in love with you!

Love memes for her: Credit: Instagram

7. A cute meme for your cutie

Love memes for her: Credit: Instagram

8. When in doubt go with Shrek!

Love memes for her Credit: Instagram

9. Cuddling with your love > everything

Credit: Instagram: Love memes for her

10. Here’s one for a cutie!

Credit: Instagram Cute memes for her

More Memes You’ll Love

Hilarious Memes You’ll Relate To If Sleep Is Your Bae:  After all, falling in love is great but isn’t falling *asleep* pretty mind-blowing too? Think about it while you enjoy these memes.

Memes You’ll Totally Get If You’re In A Committed Relationship: If you are with someone special and that person wants to be with you forever – hold on to bae and never let him go. Meanwhile, we have the best memes for you!

Best ‘I Love You’ Memes: Love can never be expressed in words. But it can be expressed in memes. If you’re a social media addict, like the rest of our generation, and not addicted to memes, then you definitely deserve an award. 

Feature Image Credit: Instagram

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